08 June 2011

French IV Survey: What would you change?

I asked all of the students to review the course, and offer suggestions to make it better for the next students to come through.

-I didn't like having an objective for each day.  Often times I repeated the objective that I wrote the day before.  Also, I wanted more written homework for the vocabulary and grammar to practice outside of school.  I like the films and working with the films.  My favorite activity was the film review for Edith Piaf.

-For me the exercises in the workbook helped a lot for grammar.  Afterwards, I applied the grammar in the discussions in class for the films.  Also for French IV I think that homework is important for a rigorous course.

-I would change the pace of the course.  At the beginning we had lots of time with the films, but at the end  we had less time.  I would like equal time for each film.

-If I could change the course, I would change the amount of work in the book.   I think the book exercises helped me a lot.  It was very seldom that we did any book work for the class.

-I would change the balance between cinematography and grammar lessons.    I really like the cinematography part of the class because it forced me to think about the importance of the films and also the concepts for life, not just the plot.  But I want to see more grammar for the class because I needed more comprehension between my classmates and I during the discussion.  It's easier to understand the films and my classmates ideas when we have a better knowledge to explain our ideas. 

-For next year in French IV class I would change the order of the class.  I would start with a grammar revision because when the students enter the class, their French is bad, and it's difficult to work in the beginning.  After that I would like to watch the films.  I thought the films taught us a lot of French.

-In my opinion there were too many films.  I think that different art or music projects are a good idea for the students next year.  The discussions were good for comprehension.  Maybe for the journal just an objective for the day is sufficient.  A variety of activities is my ideas for a change.