15 September 2011

Français IV Devinition: Power

Le pouvoir c'est l'abilité de contrôler, changer, ou faire un différence dans le monde.

Power is the ability to control, change, or make a difference in the world.

13 September 2011

French IV Updated Schedule

Week 1: Review
Week 2: Cinéma
Week 3: Entre les Murs: theme: Power
Week 3: Entre les Murs, and Le Scaphandre et la Papillon.  theme: Power

Small Victories

Thanks to a set of grammar books I bought from Teacher's Discovery, I'm able to pull some balance into my classroom with regards to irregular verbs.  The passé composé, however, continues to be an absolute nightmare for my seniors.  Ugh.  Next week we will be undertaking the imperfect tense.  I think that will go much better.

I had my students do a photo project based off of a Lexique du Cinéma, which can be found here:

They did an excellent job using the different perspectives as part of the story.  Then I heard this on NPR: http://www.npr.org/2011/09/13/140403979/wonderstruck-a-novel-approach-to-picture-books
A story about an author who was inspired to illustrate his book in a cinematic way to develop the words the way that movies do.

The students all used pictures of themselves in their photos, so I can't really regenerate them here.  But i wish I could.  Some of them are quite brilliant.

Seems like I'm right with the times.