02 November 2010


Scaffolding.  Scaffolding is my weakness.  I need to be scaffolded in my scaffolding.

And my blog sucks.  The homework blog, not this blog.  I think the kids hate it.  I'm pretty sure they hate it.  I kinda hate it.

I've got to be more creative with it, I've been trying to use more images, more videos, but it poses a problem technologically with school software.  Erk!

That's another problem.  I feel like I've got to be the awesomest awesome all the time, and when I have an off-day, or don't organize something to the last minute, everything derails and is awful and impossible. I'm so very tired.  Halfway through the semester.  Hopefully, focusing on scaffolding will give me a better framework to plan my lessons.  Otherwise, this last quarter might just be my own personal hell: unproductive but incessant work.

Chinup, Sheldon.  You got this.