Today was actually ok. Hopefully yesterday was just the breaking point.
Possible secret ingredient: second cup of coffee.
I had more energy today. We did listening activities. Then we had four presentations, and then the kids worked independently. I think they felt more comfortable today because they now had a sense of the routine. I've started writing our agenda on the board (I'm always bad at that) and actually checking things off as we do them.
Dialogue I never want to forget.
Garçon 1: Mademoiselle, j'ai faim.
Moi: Tu n'as pas mangé? À la cantine?
Garçon 1: Oui.
Moi: Qu'est-ce que tu as mangé? Une pizza?
Garçon 1: Oui, avec frites.
Moi: Oh là là, La pizza, c'est stupide. Voilà. (I tossed him a granola bar from my cabinet)
Garçon 1: MERCI! (He begins eating)
Garçon 2: S'il te plaît! Je veux! (to garçon 1)
Garçon 1: J'ai très très faim! Non! j'ai faim!
Garçon 2: S'il te plaît?
Garçon 1: Non! J'ai faim.
Garçon 2: Je t'aime! (looking at and pointing at the poster of two sheep in love at the back of the room)
Garçon 1: D'accord. (Gives garçon 2 a small piece of granola bar)