So after presenting and explaining the two possible tracks, written verses oral, I have only one student doing any recording. One. Out of Eight. After all this moaning about writing and worksheets, they've all chosen writing and worksheets.
They're doing an oral presentation tomorrow. No complaints about the homework so far... except that restricting students to the only members of my french blog is making it extremely difficult for them all to log in. It's quite a mess. Next semester, I'm going to explore the dream that is supposedly Google Apps.
I have an informant that has told me what the kids are saying when they are not in my presence.
They hate the class.
They hate all French.
They hate having to do the work.
Not only that, they've gone as far as to say they want to drop the class, and that they don't understand why other kids even enjoy my classes at all.
Despite the fact that this is all hearsay, the last statement is the only one that carries any sting, although it's mild.
My second reaction: Seriously?
My third reaction: That's it. Worksheets, since that's all they want to do anyway.
Followed swiftly by fourth reaction: No! Don't give in! They ASKED for this. And if they drop, they drop. You have administrator backup! This is what you've decided to do!
Fifth reaction: I wish it was January.
So I'm torn because after all, these are children. Human beings that are worthy of my time, my energy, and my love for fellow human beings, RIGHT?! (canna getta hellyeah?) Because I'm honestly wearing myself out over these kids. And for what? So they can roll their eyes at me and then whisper in English to their classmates like I'm a moron?
Ugh. UGH.
I will not give in. It's not speaking French that's the hard part. Caring. That's become the hard part. And what happens when you don't care about your students anymore? I mean, I care about them as people, but as students, they're making it very difficult.