In the interest of my own sanity, Immersion has taken a back seat. I am teaching an entire unit on WWII and there is no essential question.
The kids are interested, but I can see that they're getting nothing. Especially after the first half of the semester, there is a shallow "ramasse" of information.
they are disenchanted with my curriculum. I am resentful for it, but I understand why they are disenchanted. I am also disenchanted. I want to smash things. I feel like a failure, and I blame the fact that I am human, and I cannot accomplish everything I hope to.
I keep a bag in my room, full of quotes for students about hope, fear, failure, life, etc. I pulled a quote in a fit of "I'm a big failure" tantrum.
"If you're not faililng every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative." -Woody Allen.
That just made everything all better.
Thanks Woody Allen.