27 January 2011


I have asked the junior and senior French classes to bring a journal to class that stays in the room.  During the day they will use this journal to

beginning of class:
*propose daily and weekly objectives
*free-write in French about a proposed topic.  juniors: a picture, seniors: a writing prompt.

end of class:
*reflect on their objectives
*evaluate their class participation for the day

This will happen every day. 

I've designed a chart to help them identify objectives.  I am trying to focus my ... focus... as small as possible.  Beaucoup de zoom. 

I'm trying to use the SMART method for goal setting. 

Specific: speaking
Measurable: three times in class
Attainable: challenging, quality over quantity
Relevant: part of immersion
Time Bound: one week or one day

For example, the objective "Talk more in class" becomes

I will speak French at least three times during the class conversation.

"Listen better"' becomes
I will listen when the teacher speaks and write down three words that she uses that I didn't know, but can figure out.

I hope they feel that this is within their grasp.  by the third week of class we'll add daily objectives.  For the moment, their objectives will only be weekly. 

Everyone essentially will have the same objective: Getting over FEAR of speaking French.

I remind myself to slow down, pull back the pace, and break things way way way down into little tiny pieces.  I don't want to lose anyone.  Not during the first week.

Good luck, Mademoiselle.  Good luck.